Let’s Be Honest…

It’s not always easy to wake up every single day with a happy attitude. There are many reasons why we could be tempted to be unhappy. I can name quite a few as I’m sure you could too! 

One thing I do know is this: You do not just wake up one day and decide you are going to have a bad day, at least you shouldn’t…read more click link

What Is Your Skin’s Age?

I saw a TV show on Dr Oz, of woman who were given a skincare analysis to determine their age based upon their skin. I thought it was interesting and wanted to try one myself, seeing how many people I took a skincare assessment for the fun of it to see how old it would say I look. To my surprise, it said I was 14 years younger than my actual age! Read More…

This “Gringa” Fell In Love With “Chocolate” and Created a Caramelized Legacy…

I believe rejection is the culprit in a lot of issues we deal with today, especially racism. It is also a root of envy, murder, anger, mental health challenges, depression, suicide, the drug epidemic, oppression and the like. I used music, relationships and drugs as an outlet to try and cope with rejection. For some,ContinueContinue reading “This “Gringa” Fell In Love With “Chocolate” and Created a Caramelized Legacy…”

Competition or Creation?

We are taught all our life to be competitive instead of being creative. I was never the competitive type; People must be taught to become rich by creation, not competition. Every person who becomes rich by competition throws down behind him the ladder by which he rises and keeps others down; but every person who gets rich by creation opens a way for thousands to follow him and inspires them to do so. 

You Can Have Your Cake And Ice Cream Too…

One day after work, I was feeling like life was crushing the breath from my lungs. My husband picked me up and on the way home, a deep sorrow flooded my soul.  I felt defeated and depleted by everything going on in my life, in our lives, and I was at the breaking point where I wanted to give up fighting against the grain.  Where was the light at the end of the tunnel?